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Why you should use a Professional Disney Travel Planner in 2021

One of the questions I'm asked most commonly has to be - "Why should we use a travel agent or travel planner to book our next Disney World Vacation." Don't get me wrong, I get it. We live in an era where virtually all of the knowledge that you need to know about booking a vacation is at your fingertips, but what if I were to tell you that if you're planning your own Disney-Adventure, you're probably leaving money on the table somewhere along the way?

With that said here are my 5 reasons you should use a Professional Disney Travel Planner in 2021 and beyond.

1) It costs you nothing - that's right - free

I should probably elaborate here... I make it my professional mission to not charge a planning fee for my clients. While there may be (and are) agents out there who will charge a planning fee, basically a means to compensate their time if someone doesn't book, I don't believe in operating that way. I love all things Disney and enjoy sharing that with clients. I've spent hours on the phone talking to potential clients, some of whom never book, some who decide that now is just not the right time for them but have come back to the table when the time was right. While I can't promise that of every agent out there - I can guarantee you that you will not pay me a single dime for my time or service to your and your family. So if you're interested in a free quote - let's chat!

 2) My prices are the same as Disney's!

Because I book directly through the Walt Disney Travel company, there are never any added fees or higher prices for packages that I book for my clients. If I quote you a price on a specific room on specific dates, you can hop onto Walt Disney World's or Disneyland's website and book the exact same vacation. So... why shouldn't you just book it yourself? That leads us to my next point...

Yes - This is a real screenshot, from my phone, waiting on hold for over two hours to resolve an issue for a client.

3. I am your personal point of contact and do all of the heavy lifting for you

When you book a vacation through the Disney Travel Company directly, you're acting on your own behalf. Need to make a change? Well, you might be able to do it online, or you might have to call. Did Disney just announce a free dining plan promotion during the week of your stay and think you might qualify? Hope you have a couple of hours to spare and wait on hold (as I do regularly... see above). By using a professional vacation planner like myself, I handle all of the dirty work for you, so you can think about all of the fun that you'll have while on vacation! If time = money, and you're paying the same amount for your vacation whether you use a professional travel planner versus booking it yourself, doesn't it sound like a waste of your time (ie money) to just be sitting on hold when someone could be doing it for you... for free? In addition to that, I'm a personal plethora of Disney knowledge, ready to answer what to you may seem like the silliest of questions... leading me to..

4. Expertise and Knowledge

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic I booked more Walt Disney World Vacations in a month than most people will book in a lifetime. I'd call their customer service line and routinely get connected with the same cast members (there aren't many male-Louisianian Disney Travel agents out there, I'm pretty memorable). In my time as a professional Disney Vacation Planner I've seen just about every situation come up that you can imagine and have learned what can, and typically cannot be accommodated. I've learned the best way to save my clients money, and can even work up a payment plan with payments as low as $20 per week to make your vacation dreams a reality! As mentioned above, I'm here to talk to you and your family about YOUR Disney vacation and how to make it the best possible experience that it can be.

5. Did I mention that I love all things Disney?

There's an old saying that if you do something that you love, you'll never work a day in your life. While my travel agency is a part-time gig for me, it's something that I plan to do well into my retirement because I love Disney and sharing the magic of a Disney vacation with other people. So many of my clients are people who have thought that they could never afford a Walt Disney World vacation or how to make it happen. I talk with many of my clients weekly about food, attractions, shows, and what to expect on their vacation. You'll be hard-pressed to find someone who enjoys talking about Disney as much as I do, and I look forward to making your next adventure a magical one.
