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Transformers Generation 1 Skullcruncher Retro-Review

 Hello Internet! While many of you know me as Anthony - the owner, operator, and Disney-loving Travel Agent and wannabee chef that runs "How Far I'll Geaux" and Cooking in the Oster's Kitchen... you probably don't know that I'm also an avid toy collector.

Ok... that's totally a lie. Most of you know that I'm a complete nerd, and if you don't... surprise!

Because I don't run enough YouTube Channels, today I launched Papa Prime's Retro Reviews on YouTube and today I'll be taking a look at the (unofficial) reissue of Transformers Generation 1 Headmaster Skullcruncher. 

Over the past decade or so, several toy companies in the far east have stumbled upon the molds in factories left abandoned by toy giants Takara and Hasbro - giving collectors the opportunity to put together pieces to their collection that has long since been out of print. While numerous official Transformers reissues are on the market, it's no coincidence that the ones that these companies are producing just so happen to be the ones Hasbro and Takara claim to have been "damaged." While we'll probably never know the full story, I'm taking a look at some of these reproductions, so you don't have to!

Being from South Louisiana I had to jump on the toy that turns into a giant crocodile whose main gimmick is having its nebulon partner "ride" in its gator mouth. I thought this was cool as a kid, I think it's cool as a 40-year-old.

Upon initial receipt of this toy I was pretty impressed. It's very big and very heavy. You never know what you're going to get with these unofficial reproductions, but it looks and feels just like my official G1 Headmasters.

There are a few areas where the plastic has some mold flash, and like many of these reproductions the accessories designed for the 5mm ports in the figure's hands are a very tight fit, meaning that either the accessories or the 5mm are slightly off. All things considered, if I were to look at this toy side by side with an original, I'm not sure that I'd be able to tell the two apart.

My only complaint is that on the original headmaster figure, a small flap cover's the face of the larger robot while the headmaster is in pilot mode. On the reproduction, this flap is molded into place and does not move. It's a small detail, and if you're a fan of the more recent Titans Return toyline it's not likely to bother you at all.

Overall I think that for the money it's a worthy addition to any collection at a fraction of the going rate for an official Skullcruncher. Stay tuned for more reviews, toy hunts, and musings here on the Collector's Corner!
