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5 Must-Have Items when Cruising with a Baby or Toddler

One thing that we've all learned as parents is that life with a baby or toddler is a lot different than life without children. Believe it or not, traveling with your toddler can be just as fun and enjoyable as traveling with your spouse. One of the quirks about cruising, for better or worse, is that you are setting sail away from some of our everyday conveniences. While the onboard shops may have some of the items that you're looking for, chances are they will charge you a premium for it.

Here are 5 Must-Have items to bring with you when cruising with your baby or toddler.

1.  Diapers and Wet Wipes

Let's be honest, even the most spacious suites on a cruise are likely going to be slightly more confining than the comforts of home. If you're like Jennifer and I, you may actually prefer to be in an interior room rather than one of the balcony suites as well.  No one, and I repeat, no one wants to be locked in a tiny stateroom after your precious bundle of joy has just released a level-3 biohazard into her pants. While diapers are a bulky item, you'll want to plan for 3-5 extra diapers per day over your norm, just in case. My best advice, bring a pack or two of sealed diapers packed into your biggest bag. While they'll take up some space initially, that'll be room for souvenirs later.

Do your steward a favor as well and don't forget to pack along some plastic grocery bags to tie off each diaper before putting them into the trash. Some cruise lines will even give you a biomedical bag to dispose of your soiled diapers. While I have seen diapers sold on some cruise ships, they're expensive, they're typically sold one-two per pack, and if your child has sensitive skin, you may be stuck having to resort to using whatever brand that is onboard the ship.

2. A Small Stroller

Emphasis on small though. Cruise ships are often busy and sometimes the hallways and staterooms can be a little too close for comfort. That said, even if your little one is walking, it is going to make more sense at times to cart your little one around rather than having her walk or be carried.

While a good umbrella stroller may do the job, I absolutely adore our QBit LTE Travel Stroller. Not only is it lightweight and durable, but its unique design stands out from the crowd, it's compact enough to fit in your airline's overhead compartment storage, and it's comfortable enough that Robin will sit contently while riding in it. Some of my favorite moments of our last cruise was strolling Robin up to the Lido deck to watch the sunrise and drink my coffee while letting Jen get some well-deserved shut-eye.

3. Pre-packaged Snacks

Look at this face.

Robin Papa Dining Room

Don't think for a second that this little princess sat quietly while waiting for dinner to be delivered. Don't get me wrong, this cruise's wait staff was top-notch, and would bring all of our appetizers and entrees at once so that we could avoid a toddler meltdown, but do you know what got us through the formal night? Gummies! Or as Robin calls them "Yummies!"

Look, I get it. We shouldn't just give our kids sugary processed foods to keep them calm and collected... but it was lobster night, and look at how she's looking at me. One pack of "Yummies" was all it took to prevent formal night from becoming a total toddler meltdown at the sandwich line instead. Remember, they're on vacation too!

4. Accessories and Play Things

Toddlers are creatures of habit. As much fun as they might be about to embark upon, breaking their routines can sometimes be a deal breaker for them, and subsequently you. Don't forget to bring a bag of your child's toys, their favorite stuffed animals, and some of their bedding from home. Bring along a couple of their favorite books, and try to stick as close to their bedtime routine as you can. If your child is like mine, he or she loves to show off their prized possessions, such as Robin's sunglasses and paci-clip. Everyone on the boat knew that paci-clip by the end of our last five-day journey.

Robin Accessories

5. A Baby Carrier

I know that baby-wearing sometimes gets a bad rap...

But in all honesty, whether you're going ashore, or heading into a crowded situation (such as the mandated safety meeting and muster station drill required on all cruise lines), a good baby sling can mean the difference between keeping your toddler safe and secure, or them losing control. We used the Ergo 360 Baby Carrier on our last trip and found it invaluable.

Not only will a baby carrier keep your little one safe and secure while going ashore, you also have the added benefit of your baby likely going to sleep, perfect for grabbing a margarita at the port after a long day at the beach.

Robin Carrier Mexico

Real men baby wear, don't let anyone tell you any differently!
