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Breaking! Character interactions official back at Walt Disney World today!

Breaking! Get it?!

 Ok, so this is an old photo, but I couldn't pass up the pun. I was able to confirm with an old friend who is on the ground in Walt Disney World today, April 18, 2022, and is able to confirm that restrictions on character interactions at Walt Disney World have been lifted , meaning you can high five, hug, and get one on one photos with all of your favorite characters!

For many families, not being able to interact with characters has been a major reason that they have delayed visiting Walt Disney World and Disneyland. Now that character interactions are back, are you ready to start planning your next Walt Disney World vacation?

At How Far I'll Geaux travel, we specialize in planning Walt Disney World vacations and are local to South Louisiana. Contact us today for a free , no obligation quote today and see the difference it makes when you have a seasoned travel advisor planning your Walt Disney World vacation today!
